Bath salt for knitters' joints by Sunflower Knit

By sunflower knit

Bath salt for knitters' joints by Sunflower Knit
$41.50 $ ${{amount}} $ CAD

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Product Details

Do your wrists hurt when the weather changes? Do your fingers ache when you knit for too long? Does an old shoulder injury slow down your weaving? Try Knitter's Joint Bath Salt, formulated to relieve bone, joint, muscle and nerve pain.

If you're looking for the balm, you'll find it here.

This product has been shown to benefit people suffering from arthritis, joint spasms, joint inflammation, pain from old injuries and general wear and tear around the joints. it does not treat carpal tunnel. people taking medications that react with St. John's wort or arnica should not use this product. do not use if you are allergic to any of these ingredients.

ingredients: canadian pink salt, arnica, calendula, comfrey root, St. John's wort, thyme, white willow bark, yarrow, essential oils (lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary, lemon, peppermint).

for external use only. add 1/8-1/4 cup to bath water and leave to soak. to avoid clogging the pipes, place the salts in a reusable muslin bag and hang it under the tap while you fill the bath to enjoy the benefits without having to clean up afterwards.

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