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Discover our Knitting for Olive yarns. This family-owned Danish company offers a beautiful range of high-quality natural fibers, including merino, mohair and silk. Ethically sourced, these fibers come in a wide array of colours. Perfect for sweaters and cardigans, the combination of Heavy merino and Soft Silk Mohair creates the perfect twist.
Animal welfare, fair labor practices, and respect for the environment are at the heart of Knitting for Olive's philosophy. All their fibers are cruelty-free, ensuring the well-being of sheep, goats, and even moths. Indeed, silk is made up of silk threads coming from silkworm cocoons. Knitting for Olive does not produce its silk yarns in a conventional way: they wait until the silkworms have evolved into moths and have escaped the cocoon to harvest the silk yarns. It is a process that takes a lot of time and work but which respects the ethical values of the company.