Pure Laine offers you free delivery with any purchase of $95 or more anywhere in Quebec and Ontario.
About us

Pure Laine etc was started by two professional women who were bored with their careers. Born from their passion for knitting and combined with the perfect circumstances, they decided to create a new venture. The Laurentides shop opened on December 1, 2012 and since then, many changes have taken place. Sylvie Bouchard’s partner, Marie-Claude, left the business after a few months but she still takes an active interest in the business.
Pure Laine Etc later launched a online yarn store to meet our customers’ needs:
- Customer Service & Support
- Wide variety of high-quality yarns & supplies
- Ease of use for the customer
- We offer free yarn winding services for yarn sold in hanks, on request.
- All purchases over $50. (pre-tax) to be shipped to Canadian addresses, ship for free!
The shop moved to a new location in St-Sauveur, Quebec in March 2016. The updated decor & layout helped create a very friendly & efficient environment in which to shop & learn.
In 2019, the evolution continues with the launch of Fibre Carpe Diem, an exclusive collection of hand-dyed fibres in Quebec by Sylvie, the owner of Pure Laine.
In addition to excellent customer service, Pure Laine Etc has a history of innovation in its field:
- Sylvie develops knitting kits which provide customers with turn-key projects to knit, and simplifies color and fiber selections for popular patterns.
- We have a Facebook group where customers can ask for help and converse with other Pure Laine customers; Groupe d’Entraide Pure Laine.
- Sylvie also created Youtube video tutorials to demonstrate techniques, which are sometimes featured in the Facebook group.
- Sylvie hosts a Facebook Live telecast every Friday afternoon wherein she introduces new knitting kits, yarns and accessories. It has a large following, so be sure to tune in.
- Pure Laine sets up sales booths at various yarn and fiber festivals. Pure Laine attends many events to ensure we are always on top of new trends and to look for the best products.
Pure Laine Etc is always looking for new ways to innovate and to provide fresh ideas and new products to offer our deserving customers the very best.
Our main goal is to be the best yarn store, with the very best service, and to offer a superb selection of yarns & accessories. We also aim to provide you with fresh ideas and products that ensure your knitting success.