Issue 05 - BOLDNESS

By FIBRE magazine

Issue 05 - BOLDNESS
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FIBRE is an independent Quebec print magazine, available in french or english, dedicated to the arts of fiber, to talents of many origins, and to stories filled with parcels of life. It's the meeting place of passionate people who create textile fibers with heart and rigor, in a desire to pass on both essential and creative knowledge.

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Pushing one’s limits, testing, taking risks, is also about having guts; it’s about being bold. This boldness, which has no absolute or even universal barometer, is proven to oneself. And boldness is allowed, as long as daring, according to our own definition, is part of it.

Release date: April 2025

  • Over 110 pages of original, ad-free content.
  • Three interviews with designers → 3 unreleased patterns: Vanessa Camirand, Mélissa Thibault, Dominique Baril.
  • An interview with Francine Vandelac, a great lady who embodies boldness in every way, to discover her entrepreneurial journey in the ’70s.
  • To the interview, we’ve added an intimate encounter with Francine Vandelac, this time to discover the woman and artist behind the “Québec Queen of Knitting.”
  • Marcelo Martins talks about wool that itches.
  • Unraveling the knitwear row count.
  • A guest suggests a recycling project.
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