By FIBRE magazine

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Be at the forefront of the release of the next issue of FIBRE

Product Details

FIBRE is an independent Quebec print magazine, available in french or english, dedicated to the arts of fiber, to talents of many origins, and to stories filled with parcels of life. It's the meeting place of passionate people who create textile fibers with heart and rigor, in a desire to pass on both essential and creative knowledge.

*Subscribe to three issues and get a $25 Pure Laine gift card and free shipping!


To give, to leave, to have carte blanche, is to give others, or oneself, the freedom to act and to choose. Make way for free initiative, for full power.

Publication date: January 17, 2025

  • 112 pages of original, ad-free content.
  • Three meetings with designers → 3 never-before-seen patterns: Camille Descoteaux, Paule Trudel Bellemare and Louisette L. Laverdière. Exciting!
  • An interview with Pure Laine to finally know the story behind the success. A sweet moment spent in the company of Sylvie Bouchard and Jean-Yves Blouin.
  • A precious meeting with a dyer: Timothé Collin, of Fibre Carpe Diem. Do you like Pure Laine fibres? Find out who’s behind the colours!
  • We’re talking processed and natural fibres.
  • We’re demystifying wool and fibre labels.
  • Sylvie takes us through an entire recovery project, step by step!

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