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Knit Blockers Set by Knitter's Pride
By KnitPro

Les bloqueurs Knitter's Pride
Pas encore utilisés mais je suis convaincue qu'ils me seront très utiles.

Bloqueurs insuffisants
Les bloqueurs sont totalement satisfaisant mais en nombres insuffisants pour bloquer un pull en entier

Bloqueurs " Knitter's Pride"
Première utilisation pour le blocage du châle " Un air du fleuve ", résultat très concluant. Je les recommande.

Product Details
An innovation that makes blocking quick and convenient, these handy blocking tools are available in monochrome or colored versions. With more than one tip, the knit blockers make it easy to block wide projects.
The anchor holes in each blocker allow you to tie a string along the longest side, which can be pulled to maintain even tension. Made of durable plastic with rust-resistant pins, knitting blockers help you finish your projects expertly.
The set contains 20 blockers
- 12 blockers with 8 pins
- 8 blockers with 4 pins
Free shipping $95 $.
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