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Knitting Kit - Weather Blanket by Gabrielle Vézina
By Pure Laine

Couverture météo au crochet
J’adore la laine utilisée pour ce projet mais vous avez abordé le projet de couverture météo au crochet dans le live du 22 septembre c’est une très bonne idée .Alors si vous décidez de poursuivre cette idée j’embarque dans votre projet.

Très belles couleurs, mais métrage insuffisant

Excellent choix de projet et de couleurs service impeccable!
Product Details
Weather blankets (or temperature blankets), as well as weather scarves, are a very popular type of knitting project. The concept is simple: knit a row for each day of the year, using a color of wool corresponding to the temperature of the day.
We have created 4 kits with a choice of gradient colors. Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. With only 9 colors per kit, you'll love this easy knitting project.
A starter kit. It includes one skein of each color. As we cannot predict the weather, we cannot provide enough wool for each color. You will just have to buy the missing color during the year... so be sure to keep your labels!
On top of being a free pattern on Ravelry and written by a Quebecoise, it's in both French and English.
Knitting Kit includes:
- 900 g of Vintage by Berroco (52% acrylic / 48% wool / 8% nylon)
You will need (not included in the kit):
- Free English pattern on Ravelry
- 5 mm needles
- Markers
- Blocking kit
Level of difficulty: easy
(Final Size/Dimensions): Scarf: 60″ x 14.5″; Blanket: 60″ x 51″.
Tips: Gabrielle Vézina's website for a tutorial as well as calculations for temperature.
Care: machine wash on delicate cycle, dry flat
Free shipping $95 $.
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