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Knitting Row Counter by Cocoknits
By CocoKnits

Tens Counter Issue
It took me a while to realize that sometimes the tens counter does not increment. For example, instead of going from 59 to 60, it would go back to 50. Thankfully, these were at points where it didn't affect the garment, but this could easily have caused me to have to rip back a lot. Now, I have to be super careful and watch every time I click the counter and manually fix it as needed.

Ze best!
Je l’utilise tout le temps, le traine partout. Robuste. Se verouille. Facile de compter les tours d’un clic ou de rembobiner au besoin. Le dessous est métallique, le reste plastique. J’adore. J’en voudrais deux!

Product Details
This locking row Ccunter features windows that magnify the numbers & a steel back so you can attach it to the Cocoknits Makers Keep.
The counter is constructed of high-quality, translucent polycarbonate for a clean, modern look.
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