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Foam Stitch Stoppers (Neutral) by Cocoknits
By CocoKnits

Excellent !
These stoppers are essential and work great! I love pure laine!

Bloquers de mailles en mousse de Cocoknits
J'adore ce produit.

Tous les formats, plein de couleurs, super pratique!

Blogueurs de mailles
J’adore c’est vraiment pratique et ça tient super bien au bout des broches
Product Details
These Stitch Stoppers slide all the way on to your needles to hold stitches securely. Use them to turn any needle into a stitch holder.
Slide the Stitch Stoppers onto circular needles or interchangeable needle cords to keep stitches secure while you are trying on your top-down knitted garments.
Accommodate needle sizes US 0–15 (2–10 mm). 4 each of 6 sizes; 24 pieces.
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