
Should we knit during summer or not?

It always makes me smile when people ask me this question: Do I knit during warm season. Why should we stop our passion during the most exciting time of the year - summer? But I can actually understand a little bit, there are other nice things to do, gardening, swimming, cycling what? One does not exclude the other.

In the beginning of Pure Laine, summer was a less busy period, but in the last few years, I've realized that more and more people are knitting all year round. You can knit whenever you want! Outside with your morning coffee or late afternoon during happy hour, with your knitting friends, in the evening with a not forget your mosquito repellent. Absolutely! 

No reason to stop knitting during the summer months! Of course, we have to forget about knitting projects with animal fibers during warmer months that will make you feel heavy and sticky, but there is still so much to do and summer might be the perfect time for you to catch up or explore new knitting projects:

Why not start your Christmas gifts? I know it's early, but less stress for you in December. You can knit socks, tuques, scarves, baby items, plushies and much more... 

You can knit simple projects: shopping bags, face wipes, dishcloths or scrubbies - great gifts to give during summer time!

You can choose gorgeous yarns perfect for summery lightweight garments instead of warmer yarns such as wool or alpaca.

I spend most of my time outside during summer! My knitting, watercolor, pottery, gardening follow me outside... and this summer, I will be adding to by hobbies yoga!

Summer knits make the perfect companions for longroad trips or day trips. I pack yarn and needles in with my other gear, and any time you have abit of down-time. I can already see myself knitting while sitting on a beautiful Adirondak chair by the lake and a little sangria in my hand.

And you, are you dreaming of summer?


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  • Claire Bourgeois ,

    Moi je tricote à l’année. L’été est un bon pour commencer les cadeaux de noel et bien sûr un projet d’été.

  • Denise,

    Bonjour Sylvie, Quel genre de lampe frontale utilisez-vous?

    Merci et vivement l’été!

  • Sylvie ,

    Je tricote aussi a l’année. L’été les projets sont plus légers. J’ai toujours un petit et un gros tricot, j’alterne. Le tricot est devenu une passion, alors pourquoi s’en passer.

  • Louise Cossette,

    Habituellement je vais en vacances dans le Maine l’été et j’aime beaucoup tricoter sur la plage. C’est relaxant (comme d’habitude) et on peut voir les gens passés!

  • Jocelyne ,

    Beaucoup de tricot à l’extérieur sur le patio. Tellement plaisant dehors.

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