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How to add 500 knitting points by creating a project on Ravelry

By creating a project with a yarn from Fibre Carpe Diem Collection on Ravelry, 500 Knitting Reward Points will be added to your Pure Laine account! 500 Knitting Points is the equivalent of $5 applicable on your next purchase!
How to proceed:
Create your project file on Ravelry. You must link Fibre Carpe Diem and include at least one original photo. If you are not familiar with Ravelry, view the tutorials we have prepared for you.
When finished, send us the link of your Ravelry project to: jyblouin@purelaineetc.com with the following text:
in the subject line: project sheet on Ravelry
the link of your file as well as the email used for your account at Pure Laine.
Upon validation with your email, 500 Knitting Points will be added to your account!
*1 file per project. Can be ended at any time.
Cette nouvelle façon de cumuler des points s’adresse à tout le monde même si on a déjà une accumulation de points