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Stainless Steel RED Lace Circulars - 32" (80 cm) by Chiaogoo
By Chiaogoo
I really love ChiaoGoo circulars for magic loop knitting socks. It is the only brand I will use. Makes knitting fun!!

I LOVE Chiaogoo needles , and the service at pure laine is EXCELLENT Will continue to deal with them They are first class as is their merchandise Trudy

Aiguille chiaogoo
Elle se travaille très bien ne tortille pas, j’adore

Ça fait pas beaucoup de temps que j’ai ai mais je peux dire WoW je l’es adore je vais m’ équiper en broches.
Product Details
For us at Pure Laine, Chiagoo is the ultimate needle company, and we are very proud to offer a wide array of Chiagoo products on our website. Their needles carry a product lifetime guarantee from manufacturing defect.
These circular needles feature a 32″ (80 cm) cable. The needles are surgical stainless steel with a smooth, satin-sheen finis. The red cable is multi-strand, steel, nylon-coated and memory-free. This ensures that the cable will remain supple and without any creases. It will always bounce back to its original shape for an incredible knitting experience.
Lace tips are machine-precisioned. Needle size is laser imprinted on each circular.
Product info:
Materials: the needles are surgical stainless steel with a smooth, satin-sheen finis. The red cable is multi-strand, steel, nylon-coated and memory-free.
Length: 80cm / 32" (cable and needles)
Ideal for: sweaters knitted in the round, magic loop socks, large shawls.
Sizes available: 2mm to 15mm
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